You should not walk on real railway tracks, unless they are not in use, or if you have a special authority. It is a matter of safety. But you may walk on rugs with railway track pattern!
I started with handweaving in 2019, and from the beginning I had the idea of making rag rugs with railway track pattern, quite natural for me as a railway engineer.
I started the work with warping during Easter 2020, but did not finish the rugs until this year. I sent an application to the annual art competition Vårsalongen at Liljevalchs in Stockholm this fall, but was not admitted. Below are the pictures I sent them, of three different rugs. The first one is meant to be used as a rug on the floor, the other two are intended as wall decorations. The rugs are woven with taquete technique, on an Öxabäcks Lilla loom.
“Att gå som på räls” or ”To walk as if on rails”
This track is safe to walk on.
“Rallarrosor” or “Fireweed on railway tracks”
The flowers was embroidered after the weaving was finished, with warp threads and rags.
”När sista tåget har gått” or ”When the last train has left”
The grass was added to the rug during weaving.